Diamancel Sells to You
Diamancel products are made with diamond dust and are as hard as diamonds so they are very strong, sharp, washable and never need replacing. They make, right here in Quebec, diamond nail files, foot buffers and rasps (and also foot cream but I doubt they have diamonds in them!). The files come in fine, medium, coarse, extra coarse and the callous rasp comes in medium and coarse.
I use their nail file and like it so much I buy them as gifts. They are having a 3-day warehouse clearance sale this week.
Location: 4345 Poirier Blvd, Ville St-Laurent
corner: Thimens Blvd West
Phone: 514-856-9711
Dates and times : June 3: 11-8, June 4: 10-8, June 5: 9-5