Q&A: Brass Lamp Base Replacement
Sunday, December 28th, 2014Q: Sandra, I have a floor lamp with a discolored base which I would like to replace. The base is a brushed brass with an 11″ diameter. Do you know where I can find a replacement part or have the work done?
There are a handful of companies which repair lamps. I might ask at Auger Halogene Tel: 514-596-3946, 1108 Ontario east. This shop gained attention because people love the lighting fixtures they create out of railroad insulators. They specialize in making lamps and overhead fixtures out of re-cycled items like musical instruments.
You can also head to Antique Alley on Notre Dame between Atwater and Guy. One shop which specializes in lamps is L’allumeur Tel: 514-991-6721. Bring the lamp or a photo to show ask who else on the street might have parts
A: Lastly, Benecon Tel: 514-323-4977 is a third generation welder (and brazer) and can build or fix gates, railings, tables, chairs, window bars, sculptures and do ornamental work. They can be made out of brass, iron, steel or stainless steel. He will come to you to see what your project involves.