Save Money on Pregnancy Pants
Mere Helene is a mom and a sewer who knows exactly how diapers need to be made, with 100% cotton or bamboo (as opposed to cloth, which may contain rayon, felt, polyester, etc.), so she sells them. Also, pregnant women can bring in any pair of pants, and for only $25 she will adapt them for your pregnancy. Great money saving idea!
Her diapers come in one size (fits 7-30 lbs.). The cotton ones are 2/$36 and the bamboo ones are $22 each, and they are both pre-folded with elastic and velcro. Covers are $12 and close with velcro or snaps or are pulled on. Premature babies can use her 4 -15 lb size diaper, and she also makes larger sizes for children or for adults who require them.
Tops for breast-feeding moms are here too, along with Graco products.
Locations: 7577A Edouard, Lasalle, Tel: 514-368-2959
or 5840 boul. Taschereau, Tel: 450-812-5522
Hours: Sat-Wed 9:30-5, Thurs & Fri 9:30-7