Q&A: Wood Floors on the South Shore
Q: In one of your columns you recommended a store for flooring, particularly wood flooring on the South Shore. This was about seven or eight years ago. I would like to contact this store but cannot find or remember the name. Can you help me? Would certainly appreciate it if you can.
A: Of course I can help. I’ve made it easy on my site. All you had to do was go to my web site www.smartshoppingmontreal. In the upper left hand corner, click on Household. Then scroll down to either Flooring or Wood Flooring and you would have found: Lanctot Floor Design Center. They are a 100+ year old family business and wonderful to deal with. Here is the link to all the details on my site. Tell them I sent you. http://www.smartshoppingmontreal.com/store.php?s=53