Q&A: Selling Second-Hand Gowns
Q: I have come across many vintage gowns, all designer labels, but from the 80’s and 90’s. I wonder if you know any store that might want these.
A: The 80’s and 90’s are hard. They’re not yet “retro” and they are not vintage. Also, most stores don’t stock gowns as hardly anyone wears them anymore. I’m not sure who would want them so here’s what to do.
In my book there are more than 2 dozen 2nd-hand ladies’ shops, some high end and some low. You can just go down the list and call them one by one. Here’s some to start with:
Boutique Encore, 2145 Crescent, Tel: 849-0092
E.R.A., Tel: 543-8750, Local 23 Tel: 514-270-9333
Maskarad, Tel: 844-7676