Q&A: Fabric for Balcony Railings
Q: My daughter has been looking for privacy to cover the rails on her balcony. We checked all the hardware stores and a couple of pool places and can’t find anything. We see them on balconies. Have you any answers for her. Thank you.
A : C&M Textiles is always your go to place for any kind of fabric for home or fashion. They do have nylon fabrics for balcony railing: 7500 Hubert 514- 272-0247, 514-272-4740
Lascan used to be open to the public, (9001 Elmslie, Lasalle 514-366-2800) and they still sell all kinds of canvas and fabric for tents, awnings, tarps, etc. They are outdoor fabrics so they should be good for your project. You can call them and see who they sell to.