Q & A: Sofa Bed Sheets
Q: Hi Sandra, I’m ready to pull my hair out trying to find hide-a-bed or sofa bed sheet sets. My mattress is 4-inches deep. Also wondering what you would suggest in trying to find foam mattresses. The one on this sofa-bed has springs which are horrible. Anyway…I really need sheets for it if you can help ease my desperation. Many thanks.
A: The answer was right on my web site www.smartshoppingmontreal.com. Since 1960 we have had a sofa bed manufacturer in Montreal – Cameo collection. Though under new ownership, they still make them here. You can get a foam mattress from them – and sofa bed sheets of course. I have a queen size sofa bed from them and buy ordinary queen size sheets – not the deep ones though.
Cameo Collection 7955 Transcanada Hwy, Ville St Laurent H4S 1L3
corner: rue Pomba
Tel: 514-337-2933