New Name Same Great Sale
The best monthly sales of bedding, etc. is the one held on Louvain St. in the Chabanel area. For bedding, curtains, carpets, etc., this sale up in the Chabanel area cannot be beat. Some of the prices this time: comforters (all sizes) $15, 4-pc twin set jacquard $35, 7-pc queen set $60, 4-pc. queen cover set $35, pillow protectors 2/$9, twin mattress covers 2/$25, waterproof twin mattress cover $17, pillows $7-$10, curtains, $3, shower curtains $5, carpets $15, mats $7/$10, dishcloths 3/$7, oven mitt set $5.
Location: 120 Louvain
Dates and times: Fri Sept 11: 11-6; Sat Sept 12: 8-1