Gift for M’Lady
The owner of M’Lady Lingerie offers so much warmth and humor that you just want to buy here. For last minute Valentine shopping, you can scoop up sexy undies in a huge range of sizes. Yes, you can find size 3X thongs and lacy risqué baby dolls by Escante, and also teddies and merry widows to 3X there too. There’s lingerie, pajamas and undies by Lepel, Hertex, Allure, Papillon Blanc, Jacknor, Linda, Cerie and Belamy plus-size bra cups or Tete a Tete up to 46G.
Location: 5520 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
corner: Girouard
Tel: 514-487-1015
Hours: Mon-Wed 12-6, Thurs & Fri 12-9, Sat 11-5