Cleaning Down Coats
If you are about to put away your down coat for the season, it is best not to try to wash it yourself. Down coats need a professional dry cleaner to properly assess all of the fabrics used in the making of the coat and how to clean each of them. They know not only how to get the feathers to their fluffiest state but also how to take care of the other fabrics on the coat.
Some times if there is a coating on the inside of the lining, it can bubble, peel or harden in cleaning, and many care labels do not list the proper content or give the proper cleaning instructions so it is up to the professional dry cleaner to know exactly what process to use on each fabric.
Also there could be an issue on how to dry it properly. If the feathers are oily, yellow spots may come to the surface of the coat. Both the drying temperature and the drying time have to be controlled or sometimes the coat has to be air dried. Bellingham Cleaners knows how to do this right as they have been around since 1940 and not only do they have a home or office pick up service but they even have a drive-though window!
Location: 2655 Bates Rd. at Wilderton, Outremont
Tel: 514-733-4444
2nd location: 1 Westmount Square (514-934-3353)
Hours: Mon-Wed 7:30-6:30, Thurs & Fri 7:30-7, Sat 8-5, Sun 11-5