Your Personal Unbiased Car Inspector
The Automobile Protection Association has given the thumbs up sign to Andrew Bleakley and his mobile car inspections. Wherever the car is that you are thinking of buying, in a driveway or on a lot, for $120 (plus travel expenses) he comes to you (more if far away) and does a complete inspection, including an ultrasound of the body.
You might want to use this service to verify a car before warranty expiration, after a repair job (to make sure it was done properly), before purchasing a used car, before selling (either to reassure potential buyers or to see if it’s worthwhile changing cars), as a pre-trip checkup or just to reassure yourself that it’s free of safety or mechanical problems. He has had great success in court against unscrupulous dealers, especially in cases of rolled back odometers.
Tel: 514-890-5000