Q&A: Where to Buy Simon Chang
Q: I have a visitor coming to Montreal. She loves Simon Chang. Is there any way we could get into their Head office in Montreal to buy at wholesale? Do you have any other source to get Simon Chang at discount?
A: I too love Simon Chang. However, I have not yet been able to buy wholesale up there. In my Smart Shopping Montreal book, there are a few women’s shops that carry Chang, here are 2: Boutique Maude in Laval: 545 Hauterive, Duvernay , and Boutique Emerance at 3195 Notre Dame, Lachine.
Also, if she likes that look, she may be happy shopping at Boutique Avantage, 1264 Beaumont St, Town of Mont-Royal H3P 3E5. corner: Rockland. Tel: 514-733-1185 http://www.smartshoppingmontreal.com/store.php?s=76