Q&A: Linen Clothing
Q: Hi there, I browsed your site but could not find linen clothing stores this time of year. In the stores and on the web, they seem expensive. Do you know where I can get nice (for my wedding in Cuba) linen clothing that won’t cost as much as my wife’s dress!?
A: Linen is not a popular fabric these days. However 2 Hong Kong tailors are coming to Montreal this month (see my upcomig March 17th and March 27th blogs) One of them is www.maxwellsclothiers.com and the other www.tailoredman.com . Custom suits start at $550.
Also, you can buy linen at C&M Textiles on St Hubert and have someone make whatever you want (there are custom tailors in my book who could do a shirt for around $120). For C&M http://smartshoppingmontreal.com/store.php?s=39. To buy my book go to my home page www.smartshoppingmontreal.com