Q&A: Mattresses
Q: I found your web site www.smartshoppingmontreal.com, and I’m very impressed. It has lots of very useful information. We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping, so buying the right mattress is really important. Do you have any recommendations for the outlets that have good quality mattress at reasonable price? I’m not talking about big brand names and chain stores. I’m talking about manufacturers in and around Montreal, and their outlets/warehouses.
A: On the topĀ of each sub-category page (in a highlighted orange box) of the web site it says “Below you will find a tasty selection of the 1500 businesses which appear in the Smart Shopping Montreal book. This is just an hors d’oeuvre and you really need to buy the book to get the whole scrumptious meal”. So in the book there is a section called “Mattresses” and on page 87 you will find a home grown mattress manufacturer called Laval Bedding… and others.