At Little Bear customers and pets roam the organized aisles in their bigger location enjoying the friendly atmosphere and knowledgeable customer service.
There’s no by-products and no fillers in their food, be it raw, freeze dried, make-at-home mixes, Kibble, or cans; They’ve got the right diet for every dog or cat with 30 brands of food (Orijen, Acaa, Natural Planet, Now), including a large selection of frozen and canned foods, you have many alternatives like organic catnip or salmon for dogs.
Expect to find helpful accessories like slow feed or foldable bowls, car booster seats and pet diapers. There’s pet clothing – boots (Ruffwear, Pawz, Muttluks), jackets (Canada Pooch, Chilly Dogs, Muttluks), sweaters and paw balms, shampoo, treats, grooming tools, leads, collars, harnesses, cages, travel bags, poop bags, tinkle turf, pet loos, iPeed training pads, Furminators, enzyme cleaners, Thundershirts, kong, Nylabone, Flexi.
You can choose amongst the collars from Hot Dogs All-Dressed, BlueMax, Clooney & Corp, Angel and even buy custom made beds from Aviva Designs. Sports fans will love the Montreal Canadiens and Quebec Nordique gear.
Going out becomes more pleasant for you and your pet if they wear all weather or fleece lined Muttluks, disposable dog boots, Invisible Boot cream, reversible snow suits or life jackets for swimming. Hey, there’s even free home delivery.
Location: 4152 Ste. Catherine St. W. Montreal QC H3Z 1P4
corner: Ave Greene
Tel: 514-935-3425